PNG: Spotlight on Tok Stret Consulting Limited – Closing skills gaps using the BLP Subsidy
From L-R Nancy Lai from Stratcom with Julliane Terry, co-owner of Tok Stret Consulting Ltd
Tok Stret Consulting Limited (TSCL) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is part of Business Link Pacific’s growing network of business advisory service providers in the Pacific.
In our latest article, our PNG in country media partner Stratcom interviewed Julliane Terry, co-owner of TSCL about the business advisory services they provide and the current talent market in PNG.
Being PNG situated and appreciating the challenges and nuances of PNG but with a flair and style that is global; Tok Stret Consulting Limited (TSCL) in Lae wants to accelerate PNG small and medium sized businesses forward.
Co-owner Julliane Terry, began TSCL in June 2017 focusing on developing businesses in Lae, Morobe Province and wider Papua New Guinea, through business and personal skills development. As part of the BLP Network, Tok Stret is uniquely positioned to connect with local businesses who are keen to grow and develop their operation.
TSCL has increased their support of Papua New Guinea based small and medium sized businesses, using the BLP Network to provide access to the BLP Subsidy. The BLP Subsidy is available to growing businesses that see the opportunity to improve their operations, regulatory compliances, marketing and communication strategies, and other areas of concern.
Some of the local businesses who have been connected with Tok Stret through the BLP programme include; Pilgrim Investment, Sentry Locksmiths, Speedy Kiwi Signs and PNG Hi Tek Business Solutions. Small and medium sized businesses can access the Subsidy through BLP approved business advisory service providers like Tok Stret.
With managerial and corporate experience at various levels including Board and CEO level, Tok Stret prides itself on teaching an inclusive style of people management.
A tight talent market in PNG has pushed the development of new marketing capabilities, high performance, B2B skills and negotiation ahead of the traditional sales and leadership training.
“Everything we do follows our 3P mantra: PEOPLE – PROCESS – PROFIT. We won’t bedazzle you with flashy charts! We work with you to understand your needs and challenges and implement cost-effective, short-medium or longer term solutions and tools that provide process improvement and new levels of customer service and satisfaction,” explains Julliane, “Tok Stret works as a mentor, a conduit, a sounding board, a coach and an advisor – not an expert!”
“The general consensus among employees is that the pace of technological and digital change within their organizations is too slow, and that factors such as a fear of loss of control, especially among employees aged 35–49 years, is hindering its adoption.”
At times, the skills gap comes full circle. Just as experienced employees may hesitate to invest themselves in upskilling, newer employees, Julianne cautioned, risk undervaluing traditional skill sets.
“More experienced people feel more comfortable with soft skills—collaboration, leadership, teamwork, etc.”
Companies want to train their team so they can handle more internally, and that makes sense. There are layers of team structures, technology, planning processes, etc that need to be re-examined to be successful. Most corporate programs have an element of change management. The most success occurs when a larger change-management effort has been set in motion with strong internal leadership.
“At the core of every one of our success stories are individuals who were motivated to learn and change, and highlighting their stories is one of our most powerful and rewarding ways of showing value.”
“The reality of a lot of these programs,” Julliane explains, “is that skills development training is hard to measure. A lot of it is qualitative, informal. We know it when we see it”.
“To some extent,” Julliane concluded, “When your clients come back for more, they’re happy with what they got the first time.” It’s a purely qualitative measurement. In short, is it the right season? Is the soil fertile? If yes, then plant the seed. And grow.”
If you’re a small or medium sized business (between 5 and 50 employees) in PNG and would like to connect with Tok Stret Consulting through the BLP programme and/or check if your business is eligible for the BLP Subsidy contact:
Paul Wendland