HFC Bank

Loan Product Details
Home Finance Company Ltd (HFC Bank) is a 100% owned Fijian bank that has been operational since 1962 when it first began offering home loan solutions to the Fijian people. In 2014 HFC Bank was approved as a fully-fledged commercial bank that now offers a complete range and suite of personal and business related financial products and services across its seven locations. As the HFC Bank CEO Mr Rakesh Ram has emphasised “HFC Bank have a firm commitment to expand its customer service proposition to small business operators including new, affordable, and innovative solutions”. And so it is on this basis that BLP has agreed to partner with HFC Bank in unlocking access to affordable finance for small business owners. The new facility will also target women entrepreneurs who traditionally find it a challenge to access bank loans.

HFC Bank/BLP Specialised SME Loan
- Minimum Amount: FJD 20,000
- Maximum Amount: FJD 50,000
- Maximum Loan Term: 5 Years
- Interest Rate: 7% per annum
- Repayment Structure: Principal and Interest
- Repayment Frequency: Monthly
- 2 facilities are available: Term Debt and Working Capital
Documentary Requirements
- Completed and signed HFC Bank Loan Application form
- Normal Company, Tax and Directors requirements (as per the “Checklist for Commercial and SME Loans”)
- Annual Financial Statements for the past 3 years and
- Projected 12-month cash flow forecast and assumptions (both prepared by a chartered accountant)
- 12-months bank statements
- “Other” requirements as per the “Checklist for Commercial and SME Loans”
HFC Bank Contact Details
If you would like to know more about how you can apply for a concessional/specialised loan under the
partnership reach out to the HFC Bank team using the following email addresses below:
brucev@hfc.com.fj | pritikad@hfc.com.fj | faizals@hfc.com.fj |
ashwink@hfc.com.fj | devikap@hfc.com.fj |