FIJI: Digital Transformation in the Pacific – Webmedia South Pacific
Webmedia South Pacific: BLP Approved business advisors in Fiji.
Webmedia South Pacific (WMSP) joined the BLP business advisory network in 2018. Through the BLP programme Webmedia have been able to further connect with and offer services to small and medium sized Fijan enterprises, growing their client base both locally and internationally.
In our latest blog WMSP share how the experienced creative agency is leading the digital transformation in the South Pacific.
WMSP is one of the oldest and largest digital and creative agencies in the South Pacific Islands. A 13 year-old organisation, WMSP rebranded from ‘Webmedia Fiji’ to ‘Webmedia South Pacific’ almost two years ago to reflect its increased larger South Pacific footprint. The agency reached a prodigious milestone last year when for the first time revenues from international services overtook those earned in Fiji.
Possessing more than 750 clients covering more than a dozen South Pacific Island nations as well as Australia, New Zealand, USA and other markets, Webmedia South Pacific is effectively helping many organisations tell their stories and turn their ‘word-of-mouth’ into ‘work-of-mouse’.
WMSP provides traditional creative services in branding, design, print, video, public relations, copywriting, photography and more. But what truly helps them stand out is their leading edge stature in delivering online Digital Transformations. These include Websites, Mobile Apps, Digital Advertising, Social Media Management, Intranets and Software Programming.
As Nathan Powell, Business Development Manager for WMSP explains:,
“We strongly feel that Business Link Pacific offers us further inroads to reaching many more organisations throughout the islands. The choice for so many operations has traditionally been to go with local providers who are often quite small with a more limited menu of services or to otherwise look to Australia and New Zealand, which are far more expensive and have ever-present challenges with their ongoing costs, logistics and cultural implementations. In the end, the results and support are not what was hoped for.”
“Our Fiji location is quite opportune. Our size, scope and international success so often raises eyebrows. We have won major international tenders from Cardno, Palladium, EU, UNDP, over six governments, major multinational corporations and some of the most recognisable and iconic brands in the South Pacific. But our prices are Fiji affordable, our location is a quick plane trip away and we have navigated through island cultural scenarios in public, private and civil organisations for more than a decade. We’re ‘Island-seasoned’ and we’re ‘Fiji-friendly’.”
WMSP is currently working with Fiji-based construction business Pacific Cement, made possible by the BLP Subsidy Scheme. The BLP Subsidy enables selected small and medium sized enterprises to access quality business advice at an affordable rate. Pacific Cement is currently competing against two companies that are at least 10 times as large as them. WMSP are helping the Fijian construction company to rebrand, rewrite and refresh their public profile by providing them with new images, video and content, as well as a website, e-newsletter and start-up social media campaign.
“We’re always excited to help David take on Goliath, but in our world, David uses a mouse instead of a slingshot and when we aim, it goes much further and lands with even more impact,” says Nathan.
Due to their proven storytelling abilities and well-honed skills of reaching audiences faster and more effectively, WMSP are also partnered with Acquire NZ, the leading programmatic (Digital Ad) trader in the Southern Hemisphere.
Chloe Wong, Graphic Artist for WMSP
For creative and digital transformations, the South Pacific now has a third option outside of local and Australia/New Zealand selections, a Fiji-based firm that has been successfully competing against some of the best in the world. Thousands of miles from industrialised nations, lies Webmedia South Pacific, innovatively merging ‘tech’ with ‘tactic’ from its unique island location.
For more information about the BLP Subsidy and how you could access affordable quality digital marketing services with Webmedia South Pacific contact:
Kitione Nadaro – BLP Business Services Manager based at the Fiji Commerce & Employers Federation.