“Kava House have a Hotspots advertising package that includes a medium sized map ad, a voucher with a special offer for their Kava Discovery Tour and retail store, online promotion with a Hotspots web page linked to their Kava House website, social media promotion and copies of the Maps and Vouchers for the next year.”

Next the Kava House’s website will be further developed for e-commerce by adding more targeted content and making it more focused on easily buying kava products and booking the Kava Discovery Tour.

“We are revamping their website to include their Kava Discovery Tour with a tour booking form, a payment gateway for shopping and to provide more information on the benefits of Kava,” explains Jackie.


“The website will soon be able to sell products online with a checkout form, email receipts and with shipping options pre-configured. There will be a payment gateway added to Kava Houses’ online shop to accept credit card payments. We are focusing on improving the customer experience to increase Kava House’s sales and improve their bottom-line.”

You can get in touch with Pandanus Consulting at [email protected] or call Jackie Potgieter on +678 772 3333

If you are a Vanuatu SME and want to access business advisory services, or a Vanuatu based business advisory service provider and want to become part of the BLP Network, please get in touch with Yvonne Leo Taiki at VCCI at [email protected] or call direct on 779 0124 or via the VCCI on 27543.

Business Link Pacific can also be reached through the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Auckland at [email protected]